Travis, lots to say and no way to speak them. You ARE an amazing brother, and someone I will continue to cherish for the rest of my life. You were an amazing individual on this Earth, and I'm sure you've carried that trait into Heaven. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about you, and miss you something fierce. Just know we all will be together again some day. You are NOT forgotten, and never will be. Anytime I'm in town, I absolutely will not leave without visiting you at least once. I'm sure you know, but I hear 'Comfortably Numb' almost daily and I always turn it up. That's my sign you are also thinking of me. Until we meet again my friend!
P.S. Maybe you're working on my Runescape stuff up there. I'm sure my account will be amazing!
Love you, and miss you dearly.