Staci was a natural caregiver, who devoted her time to nurturing her family and consistently placing others’ needs before her own. Staci’s knack for organization and multitasking weren’t just traits; they were the cornerstones of her success as the owner of South Range Hair Studio. For her, the salon wasn’t merely a workplace—it was a sanctuary where colleagues were family. Her clients weren’t just customers; they became cherished friends, forging bonds that extended far beyond the styling chair. Staci had a way of making you feel like old friends within just a few minutes of a conversation. Staci was a firm believer in the mantra “work hard, play hard.” Her passion for travel was unmatched, often indulging in multiple vacations annually, with the beach holding a special place in her heart. When away from the coast, you’d often find her basking in the sun by their pond at home. Naps were her cherished escape, often accompanied by cuddles with their dog, Ruby. Staci was also known for having a bit of a sweet tooth. Her favorite snack was a snickers and an ice-cold coke, and she took pride in her creation of “Aunt Staci’s famous brownies.” Staci’s zest for life was infectious; she radiated positivity, lighting up the lives of those around her. Her days were an expression of joy, marked by dance, song, and an unwavering dedication to spreading happiness wherever she went. In Staci’s final hours, Harleigh said she left this world “in true Staci fashion.” Her mom’s final act was to give the gift of life through organ donation. Staci saved three lives. Her family would encourage others to consider doing the same.

In this tragic accident that took Staci’s life, it also claimed the life of her high school sweet heart and husband of almost 31 years, Ron Solvesky. Ron and Staci truly prioritized the important things in life. They put their family first and embraced friends as part of their extended family circle. They treasured nights out with friends, sometimes lingering for an extra round of starburst martinis or savoring a few additional Birdfish beers. They both had a great sense of humor and competitive nature, especially when it came to Euchre and family game nights. Ron and Staci’s greatest pride was their children. They never missed a basketball or football game, band concert, play, or speech tournament. Two years ago, Ron and Staci also took in their nephew, Caleb, who quickly fell into the role of their third child. They were their children’s biggest cheerleaders and greatest supporters.

Their unwavering commitment to their marriage and family, their boundless love for life, and their dedication to being exceptional partners and parents set a remarkable example for all. They will both be missed dearly by those who had the privilege of knowing them.