My father, known to many as Snipe and to his 1 and only grandson as Pop or Pop-pop passed away after a long battle with End Stage COPD. My father had a huge passion for cars and would help anyone in need without hesitation. My dad endured his grandson but due to his End Stage COPD, his interactions with his grandson were short. During my dad’s final week, he got to see his grandson twice and each time, his eyes would light up the room with a smile so bright, just to tell his grandson, “I love you.”
So with gift of life, my dad successfully donated his corneas in a corneal transplant, to help someone be able to see and I am very grateful and blessed for that. I am glad that although my father passed on, that he was able to help someone else in need. My dad will forever be his grandson’s and my hero. Love ya dad, miss you!!