My mom was an amazing person!She always wanted to help anyone she could. She didn’t have much, but she gave what she could. She gave money to her favorite charities even when she really couldn’t afford to. Sometimes all she could give were beautiful handmade greeting cards and prayers, and that was always enough. Mom couldn’t always help out physically, like helping me when I hosted get togethers, but she always offered. She was ALWAYS there for me! I really feel like she continues to be there for me as my guardian angel. Things have been going well for me lately, and I can’t help but believe she’s had a part in it! Not to mention, the cardinals have been especially present in my yard the last couple of weeks! I never knew how it would feel to not have her in my life, and now I know, it’s beyond words. I have a huge hole in my heart, and I miss her more than words can say! I am so proud to know that my mom was able to help others in miraculous ways! She would be the happiest person in the world to know what she was able to do for others! I love you mom! Forever in my heart!