Mathew was a loving son, brother, nephew, cousin and friend.
Mathew loved and lived music. He taught himself how to play guitar. I can’t remember a time when the house wasn’t filled with the sound of him singing and playing the guitar.
Mathew’s legacy lives on through his recipients; Ronnie who received Mathew’s heart is able to continue life with his wife of over 30 years as well as be a grandpa to his very active grandson, Lucas. Shirley, who received one of Mathew’s kidneys is able to be a mommy to her young son, Logan. Sandy received Mathew’s other kidney and is able to be here for her adult daughters and wonderful grandchildren. Mathew’s liver went to Arthur who recognizes Mathew’s generous gift.
As Mathew’s mom, I’ve always thought he was pretty special. Now everyone involved on this journey knows.