My mother Is the one who raised me to become who I am today. Simply writing a story about her is kind of hard to describe since there are so many life altering events that I honestly don't know which one to pick from. If you would think from a tale back to how the fairy godmother goes and supports people who need help that would best describe her to a T. She would literally help anyone even if it messed up her plans on her ends its sad that she passed so soon. but life has a odd way of taking hero's before calamity strikes honestly if she was alive today being a chief in a kitchen and outside cooking her passion she would probably come home even more tired than she already was. not only that she had 2 children to take care of and a grandfather who was sick because he fell down the stairs. and was also in the hospital thankfully these deeds are done. my mother died in a car accident with 3 brain aneurysm's but her heart still lives on till this day.