Larry was my brother but more than that he was my best friend I miss Larry so much it is harder than I thought it would be you hear about things happening to other people I didn't think this would happen to me brother I lost a sister to about 6 years ago I also lost my mother 3 months after Larry died my brother always wanted to drive OTR like I did for 22 years I tried to talk him out of being a OTR driver now I wish I would have talk him into being a OTR driver maybe he would be here yet it makes me very sad some days why just I let him come along more my sister sad that I should feel guilty there is days that I still cry I still have a hard time getting any sleep my mother was so sad the day he died but my mother ( Evangeline ) she kept on saying that Larry is in a better place now than he would ever be I wish I had as much faith as my mother that my brother prayed every day when he got up in the morning and at every he eat and before he went to bed the day he died his pray book was turned to the day he died and in the pray asked if he would die that God would take him to heaven I miss Larry my brother my best friend and sister that died in her sleep and my mother ( Evangeline ) 😪😥😢ðŸ˜