En memoria de nuestro amado Justin Javier Márquez Vale, querido hijo, hermano, primo, sobrino, nieto y amigo. Era un faro de bondad y amor, siempre ahí para todos con un espíritu amable y afectuoso.

Justin tenía una pasión por el baloncesto que iluminaba su alma y su amor por los gatos le aportaba calidez a su corazón. A pesar de su carácter tímido, su amor no conoció límites, especialmente hacia su familia y amigos. Su sonrisa podría iluminar el mundo entero, su calidez y resplandor tan especiales y reconfortantes. La música era otra pasión de Justin, una melodía que resonaba profundamente en su alma. Ya fuera el ritmo de una canción favorita o la armonía de una melodía tranquila, la música era una fuente de alegría e inspiración para él. La playa ocupaba un lugar especial en su corazón, donde encontraba consuelo y alegría en el suave abrazo de las olas. Otra fuente de felicidad para él eran las fiestas, donde podía celebrar la vida con sus seres queridos.

El color favorito de Justin era el azul y, para nosotros, el azul siempre representará su presencia tranquilizadora y su amor inquebrantable.

En su acto final de compasión, los órganos de Justin fueron donados, como testimonio de su altruismo y el amor que tenía por los demás. Aunque ya no está físicamente presente, su legado de bondad y amor sigue vivo a través de aquellos a quienes tocó. Descansa en paz, querido Justin. Siempre permanecerás en nuestros corazones.

In memory of our beloved Justin Javier Márquez Vale, a dear son, brother, cousin, nephew, grandson and friend. He was a beacon of kindness and love, always there for everyone with a kind and caring spirit.

Justin had a passion for basketball that lit his soul and his love of cats brought warmth to his heart. Despite his shy nature, his love knew no limits, especially towards his family and friends. His smile could light up the entire world, his warmth and radiance so special and comforting. Music was another passion of Justin, a melody that resonated deep within his soul. Whether it was the rhythm of a favorite song or the harmony of a quiet tune, music was a source of joy and inspiration for him. The beach held a special place in his heart, where he found comfort and joy in the gentle embrace of the waves. Parties were another source of happiness for him, where he could celebrate life with his loved ones.

Justin’s favorite color was blue, and to us, blue will forever represent his calming presence and unwavering love.

In his final act of compassion, Justin’s organs were donated, as a testament to his selflessness and the love he had for others. Although he is no longer physically present, his legacy of kindness and love lives on through those he touched. Rest in peace, dear Justin. You will always remain in our hearts.