We thought that we should share our story form our Classy.org page for the Blue & Green Walk in CT in May 2022:

Growing up, Joey wanted to be a director. That aspiration fit his personality perfectly, as he was always helping out others, quietly, behind the scenes – lending an ear, giving advice, helping friends and acquaintances, in person or on Facebook. His FB page is full of posts from friends and family sharing their memories @ Joseph Sslaver – 5 plus years later.

Although he was not able to fulfil the dream of being a director, it did not diminish his love of movies – the characters, plots, settings, dialogues and his insight into each. A special memory of Amber's (his sister and best friend) is their mutual love of scary/thriller movies. Amber honors that special memory of Joey in her own way by placing something in his room at her house every year on his birthday. (Joey had moved from our house in NY to her house in Maine 18 days before his accident).

Joey is missed tremendously by his family and close friends…"always on our minds…forever in our hearts:.