To my hero, Jack. We miss you tremendously and think of you every single day. We laugh and smile thinking of all the amazing memories we have with and of you. We shed tears for missing you and the things we won’t do here on earth with you. I know you’re watching over all of us, your family and friends. We feel your presence, the signs you give us letting us know you’re near and watching over us. Our guardian angel. You touched the lives of so so many. The wisdom you have that is beyond your years, your laughter, your insight into life (you seemed to have a knowing about life that most of us didn’t), your smirk, your hair toss which are so iconic to you. We are blessed having in our lives and as your mom to have an amazing closeness and friendship with you fills my heart. I love you to infinity . I know you are walking alongside me while I continue my journey on earth and knowling you’re by my side gives me the strengh and courage I’m grateful to have each day. I love you so much.