We lost my beloved daughter, Haley, to a tragic automobile accident. Haley was, without question, the most precious gift I’ve ever received—a treasure I will cherish eternally. Initially a quiet child, she blossomed over time, finding her voice in a world that often needed a whisper of kindness or a shout for justice. Haley emerged as a beacon of courage, standing up for those who faced bullying, advocating tirelessly on their behalf. Her academic achievements were nothing short of remarkable; as an AP student, she graduated high school in 2019 with honors, securing a full scholarship for college, a testament to her intellect and hard work. But it was Haley’s extraordinary ability to connect with people that truly set her apart. She nurtured countless relationships, touching lives in ways that drew over 200 individuals to her celebration of life—a poignant testament to her profound impact. One of the most profound conversations Haley and I ever had revolved around the importance of organ donation. She was adamant that, should anything ever happen to her, she wanted to leave a legacy of hope, of life. True to her wishes, Haley became a savior to others, even in her passing. Though deeply missed by many, Haley’s spirit endures—not only in the cherished memories we hold but also in the lives of those she saved. Her legacy is one of compassion, advocacy, and unwavering love—a light that continues to shine, guiding us forward.