My baby, Giuseppe, a/k/a Joey was only 33 when he passed, but he lived his life to the fullest. He was funny, caring, and loving – never afraid to share his emotions with his family and friends. He was a true friend to everyone who knew him. He loved family and alway wanted a family of his own, but unfortunately, he did not get that chance. But for those of us who had Joey in our lives, we were truly blessed for he loved us unconditionally. Joey had a passion for cars and motorcycles, loved living life in the fast lane. He loved his dogs, Melody, Pacino, and Blanco. He was a man of many quotes, and a movie fanatic. He would make everyone laugh, he wasn't shy! My Joey was honest, affectionate, and most of all generous – he gave life to others that were in need, the most unselfish act one can do. He was a donor and I couldn't be more proud of my son. A part of him will live on through another. He will be remembered always, missed terribly, and loved forever.