My father was hardworking, strong, loving and gentle. He loved his family and was deeply devoted to my mother and three siblings and all his grandchildren. To say I loved my dad would be an understatement, and to say I am going to miss him would be an even greater understatement. When you think about a man you think about a “Leader”, someone who can lift you up when you have fallen or someone that can always turn 2 nickels into a dollar to survive when needed. When you think about a man you think about a husband, someone who loves unconditionally and always puts spouse over self. A husband that is never quick to anger and always quick to love and laugh. Ephesians 5:25 “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it” My father loved my mother at all times and made sure her material, emotional and spiritual needs was met.
When you think about a man you think about a father, someone who knows what each of his children need and how they need it. Someone who forgives his children when they make a mistake and encourages them to do better next time. Someone who is an Hero to his children, Yep my Dad is and will always be my Hero! I can hear his voice over the phone saying “Did you call your mom” or after 36 years still can’t understand some of the words he says because his English was so choppy especially when he was upset! Definition of Hero for me is: someone who gives of himself, often putting his own life at great risk, for the greater good of others. My father showed strength and love all the time and even right up until his last days with us. I hope that one day, when I die, my children can look back, tell funny stories about me, and talk about how I loved them and their mother. Then, like my father, I will have led a complete life