To the Man who loved his family and his kids unconditionally.
A father’s legacy is wanting to make sure that they can provide, care and love their young right? Well, Deville did just that. There were a many of days when he struggled as a single parent of 3 boys but, somehow someway he always made it happen for them: always. Every waking day of their lives, he made it funny and full of life, no matter the obstacles that may have occurred. Every moment of his day he strived to put a smile on someone’s face. He loved to be the big brother and 1st Son and felt it was his duty to make sure that everyone was okay. He loved to tell jokes, take the kids to parks and playgrounds, anywhere kids could go he would take them. He loved trick or treating, and most of all Christmas, he LOVED to be Santa for the kids. He literally just Loved to Love and share joy with people, even pets. I am so proud of his hard work and all of his accomplishments, especially raising his children. Through my grandkids we will always have our Deville close to our hearts and I thank him so much for that. To the person who was blessed and received my Son’s BIG GREATFUL and LOVING HEART, you are lucky, and God bless you!