To my hero, David. You were my strength, my rock and my best friend. I am trying very hard to remember things you taught me, but I miss your wisdom and your knowledge every day. I miss having you here to ask questions, as you always had the answers. I miss all the help for the little things like hanging a hook for my flowers, and all the big things like changing the oil in the cars and repairs around the house. I miss the times you would come into my studio and tell me how wonderful my latest painting was, and how you always helped me with my African violets. I miss all our lunches together since I retired. I think of you every day and that will not change for the rest of my life. I think of you when I see stars at night, and even when I go to the grocery store. I miss texting you to see what you might need while I am there. I wish you were here to see the new home I bought in SC. I know you would have loved it here. Sometimes I sit out on the deck and imagine how much we would have enjoyed it together. I am trying to push through and remember all the good times, but it is very hard when I think about how you missed retirement I know we would have had some enjoyable times just relaxing and doing things we always wanted to do. I am going to try to do some of those things, but it will not be the same without you. I know I will see you again one day and that you are very happy looking upon the face of our Lord Jesus Christ. I do smile at the reminders I find here on earth…..send me some more. I love you and miss you.