Chris was my first born. He was one of those kids who if you told him he couldn't do something he would do it just to prove to you he could. He was tough but he also wore his heart on his sleeve. He was one who would stand up for those who couldn't fight for themselves. He was also one who would drop everything and give what he had to help out someone who needed it. He could make you so mad and make you laugh at the same time. You couldn't stay mad at him no matter how hard you tried. He was a hard worker, ornery and a lot of fun to be around. He loved working with his hands and working on cars. He also loved to cook. It was his love of cooking that took his life. He was cooking chicken and it wasn't completely thawed so when he put it in the hot grease it exploded on him and he sucked hot grease and flames down into his lungs. He left behind a 2 yr old son and lots of family that love and miss him. I was glad that he chose to be an organ donor and was able to give his kidneys to help someone else life a full life. He never got to meet his nieces and nephew. Before his nephew was born there was some problems which caused him to be in kidney failure. He is now waiting for someone to give him a kidney like his uncle and namesake gave his to someone. I know that Chris is watching over him and will help him get what he needs to have a full and happy life.