Carol passed away unexpectedly from a massive coronary in 2019. She had been a double concern with her failing [transplanted in 1993] kidney and heart issues. She had been on dialysis at home for several years and was doing fine. However, a massive heart attack took her at the conclusion of a visit to her doctor and while at the hospital facility. Late that evening, CORE contacted me and said that Carol had wanted to be an organ donor and that time was of the essence to recover her organs. We have since heard that her corneas have helped others see and that her bone and tissue have been used in treatments and research. Due to Carol having been on 18 different medications, twice a day, for at least 26 years, we were pleased to know that she could still contribute life-saving [or enhancing] organs to benefit others. The sadness of losing her was somehow lessened by the family knowing she has benefited others even after she passed. We are sure that Carol smiles down from Heaven upon her family and those whom she has blessed through her organ donation.