Ashley born February 5, 1982, spent most of her life in Deland, Fl. Where her smile and kindness was refreshing to everyone she met. She was beautiful inside and out. Through high school she played basketball where a passion for the Orlando Magic started, she was a loyal fan through the good years and bad. Later in life, she started working in the procurement field which led her to Bradenton Florida in 2018. She loved the crystal blue ocean and the sandy white beaches where she would spend most of her weekends. She was also a lover of all things Disney and struggled most weekends wondering if she would find herself at the beach or Magic Kingdom. She had a special place in her heart for four legged animals especially dogs and the ones who found themselves in shelters. She was unexpectedly taken from us in 2020. She was a light in our life and always brought that extra flare you didn’t know you needed. No day goes by that she isn’t brought up in conversation because of her humor or extravagant ideas. Forever our mermaid angel she will be.