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AOPO Names 2023-2024 President and Board of Directors
OPO Leaders Elected to Champion Organ Donation Mission
McLean, VA (June 22, 2023) – The Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) announced the appointment of its new President and the newly-elected members of the 2023-2024 Board of Directors, whose terms will commence immediately.
Colleen McCarthy, Vice President of Organ and Tissue Donation at Versiti, has been appointed as the incoming President of AOPO. As President, McCarthy will serve as the organization’s spokesperson and chair the Board of Directors. Her primary focus will be to foster collaboration within the community and among stakeholders to advance data sharing, system-wide improvement, and equity in organ donation and transplantation – aligning with AOPO’s efforts to achieve 50,000 annual organ transplants in 2026.

Colleen McCarthy
AOPO President
VP, Organ & Tissue Donation, Versiti
“I am fully committed to the mission of organ donation and transplantation and firmly believe that, as AOPO President, I can bring about meaningful change,” said Colleen McCarthy. “Our focus will remain on maximizing organ utilization and fostering innovation. Given the numerous transformations taking place within our system, it is crucial for us to stand united and unwavering in our resolve to save lives.”
McCarthy brings more than 20 years of extensive organ donation sector experience to the role. Her dedication to the cause was sparked by caring for her first organ donor as a former critical care nurse. In her role at Versiti Wisconsin, she is responsible for the performance of both the tissue bank and organ procurement organization (OPO). McCarthy demonstrates exceptional leadership in implementing strategic plans and driving improvement initiatives.
Dorrie Dils, President and Chief Executive Officer of Gift of Life Michigan, has been elected as the AOPO President-Elect. In this capacity, she will lead the strategic planning process, collaborate with AOPO committees and advocate for issues impacting the organ donation and transplantation system on a national level. She will serve as the AOPO President on the 2024-25 Board of Directors.

Dorrie Dils
AOPO President-Elect
President & Chief Executive Officer, Gift of Life Michigan
Dils began her career as a nurse in a Level I trauma intensive care unit and later transitioned to organ donation in 1991. She has made significant contributions in the field, having served on the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) OPO and Thoracic Committees. Starting in July 2023, she will be a representative on the Transplant Administrators Committee. Dils also holds the position of vice-chair for the University of Toledo Donation and Transplant Sciences program and is a faculty member of the HRSA Collaborative. She has previously chaired the AOPO Ethics Committee and currently serves as vice-chair of their Advocacy Committee.
Additionally, AOPO welcomes new Board members Clint Hostetler, Chief Operating Officer at LifeShare of Oklahoma, as an At Large Member, and Stephanie Pouch, MD, MS, FAST, Assistant Medical Director, LifeLink of Georgia, as the Medial Advisor-Elect.

Clint Hostetler
AOPO At Large Member
Chief Operating Officer, LifeShare of Oklahoma

Stephanie Pouch, MD, MS, FAST
AOPO Medical Advisor-Elect
Assistant Medical Director, LifeLink of Georgia
AOPO extends its sincere gratitude to departing Board members Jan Finn, Midwest Transplant Network (Immediate Past President); Marty Sellers, Tennessee Donor Services (Medical Advisor); and Kyle Herber, LiveOn Nebraska (At Large Member) for their dedicated service and significant contributions to the organization.
The full AOPO 2023-24 Board of Directors includes:
President: Colleen McCarthy, Vice President of Organ and Tissue Donation, Versiti Wisconsin
President-Elect: Dorrie Dils, President and CEO, Gift of Life Michigan
Immediate Past President: Barry Massa, Executive Director, LifeCenter Organ Donor Network
Secretary/Treasurer: Tasha Flowers, CPA, CGMA, Chief Finance Operations Officer, ARORA
Medical Advisor: Luke Y Shen, Medical Director, Texas Organ Sharing Alliance (TOSA)
Medical Advisor-Elect: Stephanie Pouch, MD, Assistant Medical Director, LifeLink of Georgia
At-Large Member: Jennifer Prinz, President and CEO, Donor Alliance
At-Large Member: Clint Hostetler, COO, LifeShare of Oklahoma
OPO Population Group #1: Wayne Dunlap, Executive Director, New Mexico Donor Services
OPO Population Group #2: Sarah Fewell, Chief Clinical Officer, Iowa Donor Network
OPO Population Group #3: Kurt Shutterly, COO, Center for Organ Recovery & Education (CORE)
OPO Population Group #4: Rick Hasz, President & CEO, Gift of Life Donor Program
The Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) is the not-for-profit trade association that leads 48 organ procurement organizations (OPOs) across the United States. These OPOs are federally designated entities tasked with facilitating organ donation authorization, recovery, and distribution to enhance and save lives through organ, eye, and tissue donation. AOPO was established in 1984 with the objective of advancing organ donation and transplantation. They achieve this by continuously improving the donation process, fostering collaboration with system stakeholders, and sharing successful practices among their OPO embers. AOPO envisions a future where every opportunity for donation results in lives saved. For more information, please visit