In the News

Colorado & Wyoming Transplant Community Support OPOs

Colorado & Wyoming Transplant Community Support OPOs

The transplant community in Colorado and Wyoming sent a letter to Secretary Azar in support of valid and continually improving performance metrics based on sound data including retaining the current Observed to Expected (O:E) Yield measure which is “independently reported, verifiable, calculated and widely supported by all stakeholders in the donation and transplantation community.”

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Albuquerque Journal: Attacks on organ procurement are unfair

Albuquerque Journal: Attacks on organ procurement are unfair

Wayne Dunlap, Executive Director, New Mexico Services shares his thoughts to the Albuquerque Journal. Dunlap states “There’s always room to get better. But let us stop the unfair attacks on organ procurement organizations and instead bring all stakeholders together to create reform that improves the system for all”

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New England Congressional Delegates Support OPOs

New England Congressional Delegates Support OPOs

Members of Congress from New England recently sent a letter to Secretary Azar in support of driving continual improvement in organ donation and transplantation. The letter states, “the proposed rule needs serious revision” and that the final rule “should be designed to preserve or strengthen practices that work well and reform those that do not”.

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International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners (IACME) Supports OPOs

International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners (IACME) Supports OPOs

The IACME sent a letter to Secretary Azar raising concerns with the accuracy of death certificates. The letter states: “The pervasive inaccuracy of death certificate information can largely be attributed to varying levels of expertise of those who fill out the forms” and points out that “death certificates are intended to focus on the immediate cause of death and do not and cannot document a person’s entire medical history”.

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Utah Congressional Delegates Support OPOs

Utah Congressional Delegates Support OPOs

“Organ donation reflects the American spirit of selfless sacrifice.” In this letter to Secretary Azar, Utah congressional delegates express their support of organ donation and OPOs.

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Florida Congressional Delegates Support OPOs

Florida Congressional Delegates Support OPOs

Florida has enjoyed wide success with its OPOs, demonstrating over two years an increase of 22 percent in the state’s number of donors. As a result, more than 11 million people have registered their donation decision in Florida. In this letter to Secretary Azar, Florida congressional delegates share their support of OPOs and concerns over the proposed CMS rule

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