Danny always came to visit me wherever I traveled or lived in the world. He said it was "my job" to go live somewhere so that he could visit. But it wasn't really me doing him a favor; it was really him being a good big brother. I lived abroad for many years, and he was one of the only people that saw those places, too. That met the people that I cared about. That shared in my experiences so that I had someone I could reminisce with at home. He visited those places for me as much as he did for himself. He was there to make sure I was being safe and had everything I needed. Other than the military, pretty much everywhere he went was with me: Australia, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Costa Rica. There would have been more had he not had his accident, which saddens me. My 11-year old niece said to me, "Because you can't travel with dad now, can I go with you?" Absolutely she can and her younger brother, too; I was so happy she asked. We'll take Dan with us in our hearts. I'll show them places he and I saw together.
I'm saddened he can't physically be with us to have these experiences, but I remember that his heart, liver, and kidneys live on and allow four others to have unique experiences with their loved ones. I'm glad Dan was able to give that gift to them.