Luke has always been this spectacular force of nature. He was everything that is good and pure in this world. He had a unique ability to fill everyone he meets with joy and happiness. It has always amazed me how such a tiny human could radiate so much light and life. Knowing all of this has helped make a heartbreaking decision easier. Rather than wallow in the sadness of our loss, I have chose to view his organ donation as an opportunity to spread the love and life my child overflowed with. Luke lived his dream of becoming a real life superhero by giving the gift of life to four other children. I can not begin to express how proud I am to be his mommy. He is the strongest person I have ever known and now he is sharing that strength with others. It brings me great comfort to know that I will one day hear his fearless little heart live on through another child. To see the impact one little life can have on so many people is truly extraordinary.