Tracy was my husband of a month shy of 17years when he passed suddenly in 2020. He was the father of five (four boys and one girl) and the pawpaw to his pride and joy granddaughter.
Tracy was like life of everything he was involved in and always did everything to make someone smile and laugh even when he was having a bad day.
Then Tracy was taken from us after suffering a bad asthma attack and also had pneumonia (that we wasn’t aware of) that set into the flu type b and all that he suffered traumatic brain damage. In 2020 I had to do the hardest scariest toughest thing in my life and that was to watch them take my husband my best friend my everything off the ventilator and at 7:28pm (his birthday was 7/28/1972) he took his last breath.
No matter how much Tracy knew I hated talking about death he made sure I knew what to do when and if this was to happened and what he wanted, and that I will forever to grateful for from him.
From the time I first meet him in 2003 when I was 18 he always told me he was and wanted to be an organ donor, and his kidney went on to further kidney research!!!