How did one year go by so quickly and yet it feels like a lifetime? Zachary was an amazingly smart student at UTD on the verge of graduating, a few weeks from getting married, and from starting that amazing transition to “adulting”. One night of fun with friends would alter our reality forever.
One year ago, March 4th at 4pm, we said goodbye to Zachary’s spirit. We held on to his physical presence longer to allow him the chance to be an organ donor. We waited while our amazing transplant team found his matches.
Not many people can become what they call a “one in a million donor”. But Zach was a one in a million kid so I’m not surprised. On March 7, he gave it all. All major organs. That night his heart beat again in the chest of a man in Austin. The eyes that always failed him gave the gift of sight to two women through his corneas. This was the first time they had ever seen in their life.
Today we remember Zachary. He was destined to do great things. We just didn’t know the path he would take to greatness. We remember the love we shared, the amazing family times together at the beach, our fabulous family dinners, our walks on the beach and the great music we listened to, and the incredible gift Zachary was not only to us, but to those whose lives he has change with the gift of his donations. He lives on through these gifts as well as in the hearts of his family who loved him so very much.
We pray for Zachary’s recipients, for their good health, and long and happy lives surrounded by those that love them.
If you are not a registered organ donor, please consider. It is a selfless gift that can save the lives of many.
As a family, there is nothing we can’t do or get through together. #WeAreCooks #BuiltForBattle