Hi my name is Terri Lyn Lawrence I’m doing this walking for my Husband his name is Ryan Lawrence he has been gone for 3 years and 2 half months he was only 36 years old. He had a massive heart attack He was a organ donor. I know he helped as many people as he could in life as well as death. I know of only two people that he helped with his donation. We where married for 12 years and we where together for 15 years. He was the glue of the family. He helped his family out,or even a friend that needed something done. He was a truck driver,and he remodeled a bathroom,kitchen, living room, bedrooms, hard wood floor, carpet, anything. Even if he was home for a day or couple of hours he made time for his family and helped them any way he could. He was a Carpenter I still have pictures of the stuff he made, a bed, doll cabinet, cedar chest, table and booth. He could make anything,I miss him everyday. I heard a song that was on my cell phone and I started to cry it reminded me of Ryan. He is missed by everyone who knew him.